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Cyclades] [Crete] [Minoan] [Mycenaean] See also: [Art Periods] [Greece] [Art History (index)] [TIME LINE] (brought to you by Acme Time Conveyor Products) On this page: {The Usual Suspects} (civilisations) {Religion} {Chronology} Note all "dates" are approx (ca. = circa (Latin, "about, nearly")) Source: Stokstad, Chapter on "Aegean Art". Data on Eastern Earth (India, China, Korea, Japan, etc) Source: Lee, PP. 12-13 (diagram), Pp. 14-15 (table) REF: Stokstad, Marily (2002). Art History - 2nd Edition, Volume 1. Harry N. Abrams, Inc, Publishers, ISBN 0.8109.0610.4, LCCN N'5300.S923'2001 Lee, Sherman E (nd. ~1963). A History of Far Eastern Art. Harry N. Abrams, Incorporated, New York. Printed in West Germany, bound in Holland. 1450bce (Thera explosion) |----------+---------|---------+--|-------|-----------|----------------| 3000 bce 2000bce 1000bce Aegean Bronze Age - 3000bce Indian Bronze Age - 2700bce Indus Valley, Harapa, Mohenjo Daro, Chanhu Daro Chinese Bronze Age - 1700bce Cambodian Bronze Age - 350bec Indonesian & Javaian Bronze Age - 300bce Korean Bronze Age - 200bce Japanese Bronze Age - 0 to 50ce Note *apparently* the neolithic migration proceeded in the same order, of about 500 years or so.


And important factor to remember is the size of each island. Thus, in the case Crete - being so large and such. It gave the inhabitants the use of "economies of scale". Thus, there would be many more available sites for fields. While on a smaller island, all available land would be used - even if this meant using teracing, etc. Thus, the Minoan civilisation (named by the great archaelogist Sir Arthur Evans (notably for seeking to decode the Linear-A script of the Minoans) in honor of King Minos who is supposed to have ruled from the palace at Knosis on Crete - passed down thru Greek (mainland) mythology and tradition. Thus, it shows the most advanced civilisation as evidenced by it use of bronze, and other metals. This is not to say that even the smaller island socieities of the Cyclades didn't progress as well (as evidenced by their use of silver). It's simply a matter of how much living space is available, and of course the specific climate and such. Later as the Bronze age progressed Crete became something of the local "world leader" in both trading and industry. Oddly enough part of this was driven by the mineralogical SCARCITY of metal ores - thus forcing it to trade with neighboring islands; eg, Cyprus (copper), the Cyclades (white marble), etc. It is important to remember that all of this trade occured in the *relatively* calm waters of the Aegean sea rather than out into the Mediteranina, per se. Thus, Anatolia to the East was its probably mainland trading partner; (much speculation on my part). Another important aspect is that on the Greek mainland, the two most important trading areas were Tiryns and more-inland, Mycenae.

The Usual Suspects

Cyclades Crete Minoan Mycenaean (and Helliac - proto Greek) [Back to the TOP of this page]


As with all agrariant cultures, most religious devoition would have centered around the harvest, home, and the community. As with all statistics it's usually mis-leading to rely on the small sample size of the relics available from each culture. Regardless (stepping out on a limb here), the Cycladic cultures seem to have been greatly mother-earth oriented. The number of female figurines un-earthed out-number male ones by a factor of 10:1. As well, the focus would certainly been on when to plant and when to harvest - thus implying a deep concern for the seasons; Stonehinge being one of the most strident examples of this. We tend to forget that the seasons are a global phenomenon and that peoples in what-ever area they might be face the same perplexing unpredictability of the weather, despite the rather rigid cycle of the seasons. [
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Human Migration

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