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See also:
               [Art Idea]
               [Art Value (esp in a Materialistic Society)]

Refer to:  -[Art Design Class]-

Art Talk

N 8354 N45, Scribners, New York, SBN 684-13984-7 Quotes from the preface by Marcia Tucker: "I *am* a women's liberation." -- Louise Nevelson "To each, questions of feminist consciousness are also posed; from each, there are diffferent responses. Some of the younger artists, like Nacy Grossman or Eleanor Antin, are politcally committed feminists; older artists, like Delaunay or Krasner, take feminism for granted. " Barbara Hepworth On balancing family responsibilities and art: "I had to have methods of working. If I was in tghe middle of a work and the and the oven burned or the children called for me. I used to make an arrangement with music, recorfds, or poetry, so that when went b ack to the studio, I picked up where I left off. I enjoyed it [family life], you see; it was part of me. Sonia Delaunay () () Louise Nevelson () () Lee Krasner () () Alice Neel () () Grace Hartigan () () Eva Hesse () () Marisol () () Lila Katzen () () Elanor Antin () () Audrey Flack () () Nancy Grossman () ()
