[DaDa perf point] [DaDaism] [AH Index] [^^Terms index of indexes] -^_6sfThe Dada of Clark & Essary
Note this text was extracted from Richard Kosteliniz's PA press book on modern aesthetics (which either he or they espelled esthetics, senior ole!) Carl D. Clark and Loris Essary "Semi-constructs of the Secre'tarie du Registre" (without quotes marks) (serifed, kerned font, bold; poss Times London of Paris, approximately correctly indented; with garnie) [P. 128] Semi-constructs of the Secre'tarie du Registre And, so, we sit around passing the time and confusi on grows . . . . an incredible sense of what is the pu rpose if you know what I mean. What Tzara might have c alled a feeling of oildrums and peonies. Amid this dol or, what is art? The seas seem calm. Deception. A feel ing of perhaps this is a sign of growing A person said to us: "How c old; pe rhaps a an you hope to convert peopl n indic (grace) ation o e if they don't understand w f not a dmittin hat you're doing?" Another a g something that should sked if we were getting mone be said, of not properly y from the highway departmen administering slaps to s t. On the whole, the second ome people's psychic fac question is less insulting t es. han the first. How hard it is when everything encourages us to sle ep, though we may look about us with cautions, clingin g eye, to wake and yet look about us as in a d The reversal of mea In a certain sense, ream, with e ning that accompani everything is ever yes that no es the apocalypse i ywhere at all time longer know s one that reaches s. their functi into all aspects of -Alfred North on and whose our social and indi Whitehead gaze is turn vidual lives, and r ed inward. eaches back into ou It would be incredi - Artaud r history, the hist bly inconvenie ory of Western thou nt to have an ght. Its implication is that the "good unambiguous la life" is one of the most vicious man h nguage, and, t as produced . . . . our mania for clea herefore, merc nliness, sanity, decorum, and moderati ifully, we hav on only serves to heighten our dirt, a e not got one. adness, barbarism, and excess. -Bertrand -John Vernon Russell IMAGE:TEXT (of content, quite similar: ( Reprinted from Interstate, no. 2 (1974), by permission of the authors, Copyright (c) 1974 Interstate Magazine ** (small smudge-mark) 128 ) [P. 129]
No man lives in external truth among salts and acids, but in the warm phantasmagoric chamber of his brain, w ith the painted windows and the storied walls. -William James A work is "eternal" not because it imposes a single me aning on different man, but because it suggests the di fferent meanings to a single man, sp eaking the same symbo The borders of lic language i n all ages: the work my language ar proposes, man disposes. Every reade e the borders r who is prepa red to resist being i of my world. ntimidated by the letter knows this; -Wittgenstein into contact w ith what lies BEYOND the text, as t hough the primary language of the work gave rise to ot her words in him, teaching him a new tongue? That is w hat we call dreaming. -^_6-^_6-^_6 more to be uploaded later (ah the beauy of text ! - and this IS the data era, istn't it> its?