[Art-is INDEX] [Syllabus]
The Portfolio
This page presents my notes/thoughts about thinking; portfolio-wise.
See also: [Art Materials]
[Art Technique]
[Art Terms]
[Art THINGS] (sort of a catch-all)
-[Crtique (1)]-
The Portfolio
On this page: {Intro}
{What to Show / Not-Show}
{Portfolio as "sampler"}
{Portfolio as "teaser"}
{Portfolio as "snap-shot"}
A portfolio (and "in theory") each of us should have several
different ones - just like we should all have different
resumes; ie, we all wear different hats.
There are (to my mind) several different purposes which the
portfolio tries to full-fill:
1) A snap-shot of the author's work at the present time.
THis is the "oh, here is my portfolio" sort of thing.
2) Breadth vs. Depth. A quick and dirty (QUAD) survey of
the kinds of things that you are
most proud of (or least proud of - but not usually).
Breadth is again the variety (but usually focused on a
particular element/style/method/etc) of your work
Depth is a portfolio of a particular type of work - that
you might teach in a W/S (work/shop). Usually, this will
be something about which you are particularly passionate
AND focused on when you are "in a certain mode/mood".
3) A thing that gets you a gig. I would use the word
"job" here, but gig goes *far* beyond the concept of
job. For example, in the 5-year monolithic work of
J. Michael Strazinski, "Babylon-5". The job Harlan
Elison was "Creative Consultant" - but, his role in
the GIG, was far beyond that. Most likely "tweeking"
a bit here and there. THE NAME OF THE PLACE IS BABYLON FIVE....
What to Show / Not-Show
There are two things that we do when we present our
portfolio: We SUBMIT it (silently; eg, via a "drop" or "submit"
request) or we TALK about it (as in "a chalk talk").
There are also TIME CONSTRAINTS as to what/how-much
we present.
The easiest way to think of the portfolio is that it
plays several roles:
1) It's a sampler. A bit of this and a bit of that.
Think of a "box of chocolates" --
it hints at (some of) the possibilities.
2) It's a teaser/trailer. And just like the "Coming soon"
sorts of "coming attractions",
it should leave the viewer with:
"I want more" (or else,
"Errr, ahm. Hmm, - next please."
3) It IS a snap-shot of who/what/where/how/... you are as
the author at this particular point in time - whatever
that stuff is.
Portfolio as "sampler"
Portfolio as "teaser"
If the "sampler" portfolio shows us just a bit of all
of the myriad possibilities, the teaser takes us a
single, coherent chapter of that encylopedia.
catalog d'raison
A Forward-Looking, Backward Glance
(which is the title of one of Dr. Seuss's "serious" works)
Portfolio as "snap-shot"